Fertilizers are used to improve plant growth. The faster growing the plant, the more it will benefit from fertilizer application.
Fertilizers containing mainly nutrients for the plant. Depending on the kind of fertiliser, they contain one (straight fertilizers) or more nutrients (compound fertilizers) Using fertilisers will result in:
• better growth of plants and crops
• better development and increased induction of flowers and fruits
• more resistance against diseases (sickness) and plages

The most important elements that are presented in fertilisers are:
Classification | Element | Symbol | Function |
Major element | Nitrogen | N | Stimulates plantgrowth |
Major element | Phosphorus | P | Stimulates rootformation |
Major element | Potash | K | Increases crop and fruitformation, makes the plants stronger |
Major element | Magnesium | Mg | Main element of the chlorofyl. Responsable for the green colour in leaves |
Trace elements | Iron, Bore | Fe, Mn, B, Cu | Prevent sicknesses due to shortness |
Best fertiliser for vegetables and fruits includes a high content of phosphorus and potassium and a moderate content of nitrogen. Potatoes and berries need a higher content of potassium, herbs on the other hand a higher content of nitrogen.

Organic fertilisers (biological fertilisers)
Full composed of natural components (rough materials) as there are: bloodmeal, beetwine, seaweed, bonemeal or nature (rock) phosphate, feathermeal, cocoashells,… WITHOUT any enrichment of chemical materials. An organic or biological fertiliser is rich in composition and has a long lasting period.

Organic-Mineral fertilisers
Build out of natural components form animal or vegetable origin and enriched with chemical (mineral or synthetic) materials.These fertilisers containing minimum 25 % organic matter and are working faster (but shorter) than the fully organic fertilisers.
The organic components in these types of fertilisers increases the formation of humus in the soil.

Mineral fertilisers
These are synthetic, artificial forms of plant nutrients or naturally occurring mined minerals. Inorganic fertilisers are usually more concentrated and faster acting than organic fertilisers. Examples of inorganic fertilisers include: Growmore, Miracle-Gro, Phostrogen, Sulphate of Ammonia, Sulphate of Potash, and Superphosphate and Tomorite Very aggresive action and a lot of risk to burn roots and plants when doses are not respected. In these categorie there are also fast- and slow acting chemical fertilisers.

Why choose organic fertilisers?
Organic fertilisers consist of natural raw materials of vegetable and/or animal origin. They contribute to a balanced diet for plants due to their positive influence on the soil structure. They are environmentally friendly and safe to use; the plant does not risk being burnt.